Try for 5
Try at home and make any returns within 5 days.
Payment only taken for what you keep.
Try before you buy
Shop credit-free
Explore styles & sizes
Hassle-free returns
Choose your pieces.
Select the Try Before You Buy button on the cart page and choose your preferred delivery method.
Try on
at home.
You will have 5 days from the day you receive your pieces to try at home and decide which pieces to keep.
Make any returns.
Make any returns within 5 days by following the retailer's returns process (see confirmation email).
Payment taken.
Payment will be automatically taken only for the pieces you decided to keep. No more waiting for refunds!
Only pay for what you keep, no hidden fees.
With Try for 5, you’ll only be charged for the items you choose to keep. No hidden costs, no credit and no surprises. Our secure payment process keeps your details safe, giving you the freedom to enjoy trying on your pieces with complete peace of mind.
Delivery & Experience
Your items will be delivered according to the shipping option you selected at checkout. Delivery details will also be confirmed in your confirmation email.
Your try on period starts the day after you receive your complete order. You will be notified via email at this point.
The length of your try on period is determined by the brand and this is clearly shown on the checkout. During this period, you must try on your pieces and return any unwanted items. Do not remove any labels or wear the pieces beyond trying them on.
The number of pieces you can try on depends on the brand’s specific policy, which will be clearly displayed during checkout. While some brands may have limits, we encourage you to try on multiple sizes and styles to find what works best for you. Whether you’re exploring a few key pieces or refreshing your wardrobe, feel free to select items that help you make the most of your try-on experience.
Payment & Refunds
You will only pay for the shipping fee upfront. At the end of the try on period, we will charge your card for the pieces you decide to keep (those that have not been returned within the period). For returns made after the try on period, we will issue a refund once the items have been checked in at the warehouse. We will provide reminders throughout your try on period.
Harper accepts major credit cards and debit cards including Visa, Mastercard and American Express.
No, you will only pay a shipping fee upfront. After your try on period, you will be charged for the pieces that you decided to keep (those that have not been returned). There are no additional or hidden fees.
No, using our service will not impact your credit score. There is no issuing of credit.
Returns & Exchanges
To make a return, please follow the brand's standard returns process as communicated in the confirmation emails. Please ensure that any returned pieces have the label, are undamaged, and are unsoiled. Otherwise, they will not be accepted and you will be charged.
Yes, any unwanted pieces need to be returned during the try on period. These returns do not necessarily need to be received by the warehouse during this period, but they must be sent off within this time frame. We will charge your card for the pieces kept at the end of the period (the pieces that were not returned).
You must follow the brand's standard returns and refund policy. Please check their website for the returns window and refund policy.
There are no fees for late returns. However, you will be charged for any items not returned within the try on period. Refunds for returns made after the try on period may take several days to process.